Popular Electronics in the 50s & 60s
W8SU did it again. He sent along a picture of an old issue of "Popular Electronics". February of 1955 to be exact. What memories.
I’m betting I’m NOT the only one who grew up devouring every issue of this magazine. Hey, between it and "Electronics Illustrated", I was kept up to date (for the time!) with all the latest electronics info a kid could handle. Lots of dreams.
I still remember the adventures of Carl and Jerry from "EI"... Of particular note is an issue where the pair conspired to cheat at a spelling bee by taking a little earpiece apart (You know. The kind that came with your six transistor radio), taping it on the arm of one of them, attaching a miniature (for it’s time) receiver that he kept under his shirt, and the other conspirator sending the correct spelling of the word from the audience in CW, to be translated by the feel of the diaphragm on the skin. Wild!
Anyway, the cover of the issue sent to me by Bob includes a basic novice transmitter. If I remember correctly, and I may or may not, this particular project utilized a square baking pan from the kitchen for the chassis. And till the day she died, my mother never knew why she lost a cake pan every time I built a new project! Hi hi
I’d been lucky enough to get a box of old 1950s electronics magazines from the Warwick auction sometime in 1962. And I began to systematically read every one of them cover to cover. I loved every page, every project and even the amazing ads. Ah. Those were good times.
Also around that time, I was in 4-H. Our club specialized in electricity and electronics. Our leader, Paul Segi, was a ham. But somehow I cannot recall his call anymore. Maybe one of these days it’ll come to me. At any rate, he was a great elmer. He often explained some of the more difficult elements of some of the construction projects I’d find in the magazines. And he taught me not to be afraid to experiment. Of course, with the high voltage of the day, maybe I should have been BIT more careful.
OK. That’s plenty for tonight. Been a long day and I need to get some things done.
73 till next time.