I'm starting this blog with thoughts of a dear friend, Debbie. Debbie is currently engaged in a very tough battle and my thoughts have been with her constantly This photo reminds me of her because it was taken very near the transmitter site of WBRA-TV in Roanoke, Virginia. The station we both worked together. And like Debbie, it reminds me of the unique beauty and special character that is prevalent there.

Debbie was likely my closest friend at the station when I was the General Manager there from 2000-2006. We worked together on a myriad of projects and spent untold hours talking about public TV, fundraising, kids and pretty much everything under the sun. Basically, when it got lonely dealing with the necessary management issues, I could find a bit of relaxation by talking about the day's events with Debbie. We talked about our trips to the wilderness of southwest Virginia making fundraising calls together. We experienced the unique Virginia delicacy of grape pie...or "paaa", as Debbie would remind me. And she introduced me to some of the finest public servants I ever met, all of whom knew and respected her personally.

And it was political discussion that always was the best!

I think Debbie and I have pretty much explored any combination of political actions or misactions through the years and elected and re-elected candidates who likely never will know we had their entire campaigns laid out for them!

If it happened in Richmond or Washington, she knew about it. And we'd likely debate it before long. Little in the world of politics escaaped our attention.

Anyway, as Debbie prepares for whatever is next, I continue to think how very special this Southern girl was to the "Damn Yankee".

Keep fighting Debbie! You will always hold a very special place in my heart.

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