
Showing posts from July, 2008


Like pretty much all of you, I’m a member of a number of Yahoo groups, and most…but not all…dealing with ham radio. I find them incredibly valuable at finding important information, comparing operating notes and avoiding the trial and error mistakes I made throughout my life while playing with my toys. I also find them incredibly annoying. Why? Because it seems in the lifespan of nearly all these groups, there comes a time when the senior members of the list have become tired of answering admittedly basic questions. You know, the same question that seems to surface every two weeks or so on any of these lists. But in a world where all we have to do is IGNORE (oops, am I yelling?) the question, why do we get so upset and belligerent with the newcomer to the group who asks the same old question? Yes, I know it’s been answered many times before. And I know the answer already exists in a database on the site. But is it REALLY such a horrible thing for a new addition to a group to ask a qu...